
Archive for April, 2007

Multi-Currency Setup

April 12th, 2007 No comments

If you will be dealing with customers or vendors who use currencies other than your base (domestic) currency, use the following process to set up exchange rates and other multi-currency features.

  1. Make sure the general ledger accounts specific to currency exchange are set up in the Chart of Accounts:
  • Realized Gain
  • Realized Loss
  • Unrealized Gain
  • Unrealized Loss
  • A/R Unrealized Offset
  • A/P Unrealized Offset
  • V/P Unrealized Offset

If you are not using Unit Code 4 for anything else, you might want to set Unit Code 4 to Accessible for these accounts, and use it for reporting the foreign currency impact of the different currencies. If you do this, the currency codes must be entered for Unit Code 4. For information about setting up unit codes, see Account Unit Code (1-4).

  1. Set up currency and exchange rate variance accounts for the domestic currency and the Euro on the Multi-Currency Parameters form, to help you track realized and unrealized gains and losses due to exchange rate changes. These accounts should match the ones you set up in step 1. During installation, you set up a Site Currency Code, which is the domestic currency code shown on this form.
  2. Set up all other required currencies used by your vendors and customers in the Currency Codes form.For each currency code, the unrealized and realized G/L accounts specified on this form default to the accounts set up in the Multi-Currency Parameters form. You can also designate expenses by currency code if you use unit code 3 or 4.
  3. Use the Currency Rates form to enter exchange rates between all currencies you set up in step 3 and the domestic currency.
  4. Use the Bank Reconciliations form to set up bank codes and accounts to use with foreign currency customers and vendors. The bank reconciliation, attached to the bank code, maintains a record of all receipts and payments for each currency/bank code. If you will be recording A/R or A/P payments in foreign currencies, you should set up the foreign bank codes (with applicable currency codes) on the Bank Reconciliations form. Then you can include those foreign bank codes on customer and vendor records.
  5. Use the Customers and Vendors forms to set up foreign currency customers and vendors.
  6. If your system will share currency information between multiple sites, set up Replication Rules for the Shared Currency replication category.
  7. Enter foreign currency customer orders and purchase orders. To see the amounts translated to your domestic currency, use the associated Domestic Currency forms.
  8. Periodically, update the exchange rates and run the Currency Revaluation Utility. This utility uses the current exchange rate (from the Currency Rates form) to determine gains and losses due to currency fluctuations.

After Setup

  1. Enter foreign currency customer orders and purchase orders. To see the amounts translated to your domestic currency, use the associated Domestic Currency forms.
  2. Periodically, update the exchange rates and run the Currency Revaluation Utility. This utility uses the current exchange rate (from the Currency Rates form) to determine gains and losses due to currency fluctuations.

The MRP Generation algorithm

April 1st, 2007 No comments

The MRP Generation algorithm
– SL6 and lower (Progress versions)
Regenerates the m-day calendar if it requires regeneration
If full regeneration being run:
Delete all requirement records for all items (mrp table)
Delete all transfer order receipts for all items (rcpts table, ref-type “T”)
If lasttran counter for PLNs is > 9000000:
Reset it to 1
Delete all planned orders for all items (rcpts table, ref-type “N”)

Reads through item master by low level code, by item:
If type is Other and net change is on, turn it off and skip to next item
Turn on the I/M net change flag for all current materials of the item
Get the following from item’s product code (if not ?) or planning parms:
Forecast look ahead and behind
Job reschedule tolerance factors
PO reschedule tolerance factors

Generate independent requirements:
Delete forecasts older than (today – forecast look behind)
Consume forecasts with customer orders
Create requirements for:
Outstanding forecasts
All unreserved COs
Transfer orders where
If “Whse Considered For” = Single
From Whse = default warehouse
If “Whse Considered For” = All
From Site is the current site
Project resources
End – Generate independent requirements

Create receipt records for transfer orders where:
If “Whse Considered For” = Single
To Whse = default warehouse
If “Whse Considered For” = All
To Site is the current site

Delete all of the item’s exception messages
Calculate beginning projected on hand (nettable on hand – qty reserved)
Generate applicable exceptions regarding beginning on hand:
On Hand below Safety Stock
Initial Qty. On Hand negative

If beginning on hand below safety stock and there are no past due requirements:
Look for first receipt for the item (job, PO, PS, transfer order, PO req)
Generate exception if appropriate:
Reschedule Receipt
Sched. Rcpt. past due
If no receipts or not enough to cover quantity below safety stock:
Create planned order (PLN) in temporary table

Read through all requirements for the item:
If requirement source is x-reffed, find x-reffed receipt (po, job, etc.)
If x-ref is valid, skip to next requirement
Generate error (then continue on) if:
Receipt is not cross referenced back
Receipt has a status of complete
Generate exception if appropriate: Date outside shop calendar

If not an MPS item:
Generate exception if appropriate: Requirement past due
If requirement source is x-reffed, find x-reffed receipt then
Generate appropriate exception:
X-ref Rcpt: Resched
X-ref Rcpt: Qty
Sched. Rcpt. past due

If requirement is a forecast and “Use CO, Fcst or Both” is Forecast
Deduct full forecast amount from POH
Else deduct outstanding (i.e. not consumed by CO) amount from POH
Look for next receipt for item
If found, generate exception if appropriate:
Reschedule Receipt (if outside PO and job reschedule tolerance factors)
Sched. Rcpt. past due
If no more receipts or not enough to cover quantity below safety stock:
Create planned order (PLN) in temporary table
End – not an MPS item
End – read through all requirements

Read through all existing planned orders for the item (from the last MRP run)
Match them with temp table PLNs created in this MRP run
If old PLN and new PLN match up, set date and quantity to new record’s values
If old PLN exists and new record does not, it is no longer needed so it is deleted
If old PLN does not exist for new PLN, create a new real planned order

Read through all non-PLN receipts (jobs, PO, etc.)
Generate exception if appropriate: Sched. Rcpt. not needed

Pass all requirements to children:
Pass PLNs to current BOM, creating PPLN requirements
Pass job receipts to job BOM if exists or current BOM if not, creating PJOB requirements
Pass PS receipts to PS BOM if exists or current BOM if not, creating PPS requirements
Turning on each child’s net change flag

Turn off the item’s net change flag
Set the item’s Last Generation date

If the item’s Source is Transferred, it’s not an MPS item and its Supply Site is not blank
Set the flag that indicates planned transfer orders need passed for the item

End – read through item master

Turn off the behind-the-scenes flag that indicates a full regeneration must be done

If an error occurred (invalid cross reference detected):
Display “MRP Processor was not successful”
Look for item master records with their net change flag enabled
If there are any (none should be) display:
“WARNING – Low Level codes improperly set”
“MRP Generation is not complete – re-run net change”
If not being run in the background:
Ask if the Item With Net Change Flag report should be run.
End. else
Display “MRP Processor was successful”

If multi-site and “Post Planned TOs” = Auto:
If not being run in the background
Display “Put Planned TRN Requirements will be performed”
Read through all transferred items for which the pass planned transfers flag is enabled:
Pass all PLNs for the item to the item’s Supply Site as TPLN requirements
Set the net change flag for the item in the supply site
display success or failure message for “Put Planned TRN Requirements”

Delete all records from the material planner workbench that were created from PLNs

Categories: Application, Progress Tags: , ,