
Posts Tagged ‘bank reconciliation’

Delete voided check and reset the next check number in AP

April 27th, 2014 No comments

Sometimes a user will accidentally type in a wrong number in the starting check number in A/P check printing and posting. If that check number is higher than the last check number used, the system will prompt to void all the check numbers in between. If that prompt is answered "ok", this will result in a large number of voided checks in the Bank Reconciliation and the system will not allow those numbers to be used.

This problem can be fixed in one of two ways.

The first is to go into the bank reconciliation and delete those voided checks one by one until they get back to the correct starting check number.

The second way is to use SQL Query to programmatically delete those voided checks.


/* This script is used to delete a range of check numbers from the glbank table */

declare @commit int, @rows int, @check_num GlCheckNumType




SET @commit = 0 — 0=View; 1=Commit the update changes

SET @check_num = 1055 — Enter highest check number wanted in SL



select * from glbank

where check_num > @check_num and type = ‘C’

set @rows=@@rowcount

if @commit=0


if @rows > 0 select [Results]=’Viewing record(s) to be deleted.’

else select [Results]=’No matching records found.’





delete from glbank

where check_num > @check_num and type = ‘C’

select [Results]= dbo.cstr(@@rowcount) + ‘ Glbank record(s) deleted.’



Progress version

for each (database name).glbank where check-num > xxxxxxxxx and type = "C":

display glbank with 2 col.

Run the query. If the checks that display are the ones that need to be deleted, then run the following:

for each (database name).glbank where check-num > xxxxxxxx and type = "C":

delete glbank.

This will reset the starting check number back to the original check.

Void an AP Posted Payment

October 16th, 2011 1 comment

In Syteline 8, there is an utility program called Void AP Posted Payments Utility, which you can use to void an AP posted payment.  But if any of the following conditions exist, you can’t use this utility. 

1) Multi-site environment

2) You compress Journal transactions

3) You are trying to void a manual type check

4) The same check number has been used in multiple bank codes

You will need to void using a manual negative check when any of these conditions exist.

The steps to enter a negative manual check in SL7 and SL8 are as follows:

1. Open Bank Reconciliations Form
Filter for Bank Code
In lower grid, filter for type Manual
Identify a manual check number that has NOT been used

Note:  If  you are trying to void a standard check, you can use the check number on the standard check

2. Open A/P Payments Form
Enter Vendor Number
Payment Type = Manual
Check Number = Available Manual Check Number
Bank Code = Bank Code on original check
Payment = Enter negative check amount

3. Distributions
Type = Voucher
Vch/Seq = Voucher Number that was paid on original check
Accounts Tab:
Amount Paid = Enter negative payment amount
Disc Taken = Enter negative amount if discount was taken on the original check

NOTE: If more than one voucher was paid on the original check, follow step 3 for each voucher paid

4. Activities – A/P Check Printing/Posting
Verify Bank Code is correct
Click Final Register And Post

Consolidate Payment Record in Bank Reconciliation

October 15th, 2011 No comments

When doing an AR payment posting, if there are multiple payments from same customer or differ customers, the cash account entry will be consolidated into single one.  So in Bank Reconciliation, there will be single total line cash record, instead of check by check.

For example,

1. Create Payment
Customer 1 : Cheque Amount = USD 200 ; Date :1 December 2010; Bank : BK1
Customer 2: Cheque Amount = USD 300 ; Date : 2 December 2010; Bank : BK1
2. A/R Payment Posting
3. GL –> Journal Posting
4. Bank Reconciliation
Transaction appear as 1 line ; Amount USD500 ; Date : 1 Dec 2010

If you do not want an A/R payment (Adjust, Check, Wire) or a returned check (check entered as a negative amount) included in a summarized Bank Reconciliation record, you will have to do separate AR payment postings.

When you have a single check posted, the customer number, check number, and customer name will be seen in the Bank Reconciliation form.

When you have more than one check posted, for different customers, a "summary" deposit is created. Since there is more than one customer here, the customer number, customer name, and check cannot be specified in the one line bank reconciliation "Deposit".  If you want to see specifics for each check, then you have to post them separately, one at a time.

The detailed payment information which is used to calculate one of these summarized bank reconciliation records can be obtained by looking at the A/R Distribution Journal.