
Archive for May, 2014

Sample way of constructing email body in Syteline Event system

May 24th, 2014 No comments

Below are some sample ways of constructing email body in Syteline event system.

BODY( SUBSTITUTE(“We have a new customer. Please see customer number {0} for customer: {1}.”, FP(“custNum”), FP(“custName”) ) )

This uses the common SUBSTITUTE function and use object property as parameter value.

BODY( IF( P(“POCost”) > 10000, GC(StdApprovalMessageBody), GC(StdRejectionMessageBody) ) )

Notice the IF function and combine with Global Constant

BODY( FILECONTENTS(“X:\SL\Event\Message\Body\myPreparedMessage.txt”) )

This actually inserts a whole text file.  But static text file is not really useful.

BODY( FILECONTENTS(“X:\SL\Event\Message\Body\” + IDO() + EVENTNAME() “.txt”) )

This one provide a bit more flexibility, allow you to use differ text file for differ event.

BODY( DBFUNCTION( “MsgBodyFunction”, EVENTNAME(), IDO(), P(“RowPointer”) ) )