
Archive for May, 2010

Return value of a Method Call Validator

May 18th, 2010 No comments

I have been trapped on this more than one time.  In order for a method call validator to work, the return value has to be bigger than 5.  This is clearly state in the WinStudio document: “If the method returns a value less than 5, WinStudio passes the validation. Otherwise, WinStudio fails the validation. The values 1 through 4 are used for warnings.”

All the standard Syteline Validators are using return value 1, so you would naturally copy that logic, and have it kept pumping on your face.  The value 1 through 4 are reserved for system use.  For customization developer like you and me, we have to be taller than 5.

Today I have waste two hours on this.  I knew it can not be 1, because I was trapped on this about a year ago.  But I forgot what the exact value benchmark is.  I was putting a value 4 on it.  And keep searching other area for error.  Finally I checked back into the document and found out again the magic number 5.  What a fool. 

T-SQL, find last day of current month

May 16th, 2010 No comments

I think this is one of the FAQ question for T-SQL programmer, and here is some quick sample 

Last Day of Previous Month


Last Day of Current Month


Last Day of Next Month


Show name of the month:

select datename (mm, date_field)

Or if you want to only show the first three letters of the month:

select left(datename (mm, date_field), 3)

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