
Posts Tagged ‘currency conversion’

How to clear small outstanding balances in AR

October 24th, 2011 No comments

With various reason, such as foreign currency conversion, you may see small outstanding balance resident in AR for some customer account, and the customer truly didn’t owe that money.

One option is to write off small outstanding balances (either positive or negative) to either Discounts Allowed or Allowances.   To do this, you will need to create a zero dollar payment.   The steps are as follows:
1.  A/R Payments
Enter the Customer Number
Type = Check
Number = (new check number)
2.  Click Distributions
Enter the invoice number with outstanding balance
The amount left open on the invoice will default in Dist Amount field on Amounts tab
Transfer this value (either positive or negative) into either the Disc field or Allowance field
Then set the Dist Amount = 0.00
Post the payment
Another option is to enter credit or debit memos to offset any remaining balances