
Posts Tagged ‘Trigger’

Some suggested routine after a Syteline Upgrade

July 6th, 2014 No comments

They are not stated in Syteline manual, but from my experience, I would suggest the following routine after upgrade a Syteline DB.

1) Regenerate _all table, by using “Update _All Tables” form.

2) Regenerate trigger, by using “Trigger management” form.

3) Regenerate Replication Triggers, if you are using multi-site replication.

4) Drop all the _tt and _tmp tables.  These would force system to rebuild those temp tables.  Please refer to Information on the different temporary tables in a SyteLine database for a script to drop all those temp table.

Turing Trigger program off, update some data, then turn Trigger back on

February 5th, 2014 No comments

Table trigger is important part of Syteline data integrity.  There are many validation logics safe guarded by trigger program.  But in some circumstances, you may want to turn the trigger program off, in order load certain data.  This is specially true during data conversion of your Syteline implementation, you may need to use program to load data from outside data sources.

Below sample program will turn the trigger off, update jobmatl table, then turn the trigger back on again.

declare @SavedState LongListType

, @Infobar InfobarType

EXEC dbo.SetTriggerStateSp

@SkipReplicating  = 1

, @SkipBase         = 1

, @ScopeProcess     = 1

, @PreviousState    = @SavedState OUTPUT

, @Infobar          = @Infobar  OUTPUT

, @SkipAllReplicate = 1

, @SkipAllUpdate    = 1

UPDATE jobmatl

SET pick_date = @Today

FROM #JobmatlForPickList as jm

WHERE jobmatl.RowPointer = jm.RowPointer

exec dbo.RestoreTriggerStateSp

@ScopeProcess    = 1

, @SavedState      =  @SavedState

, @Infobar         = @Infobar OUTPUT

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